Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, and people are looking for a fresh, clean start. Sure, cleaning happens all the time. But spring cleaning, that is different… I mean we are talking moving furniture, going through closets, the whole nine yards! 


So we are making it easier on you, by giving you our guide on spring cleaning! 


  1. Room by Room Clear-Out


We don’t care where you start, but you have to start. A closet is a big one, go through those clothes, and give up the ones you know you will never wear. The kitchen can also become a catch-all! If you have equipment or utensils, you no longer need, consider donating them. Or reach out to family, to see if they need it! This is just a great time to go through each room and donate or throw away anything you don’t want! 


  1. Up High and Down Low


Oh yeah, we are talking about vents, ceiling fans, and baseboards. No, it is not fun, but it has to be done. Get rid of the winter dust and bring in that fresh spring air! 


  1. “The One Thing You Always Put Off”


Everyone has one, and it can be different for everyone, but there is some cleaning task, you always put off. For me? I hate cleaning the fridge. I don’t mind cleaning it out, but pulling those drawers out and washing them? UGH! So whatever your one thing is, get it done. No judgment, I need to clean my fridge as I type, but you will feel accomplished once it is done, and… it needs it!


  1. Move All Furniture and Clean Under It


Move the couch and vacuum under it. Same with the tables, chairs, TV stands, mirrors, and more. Move EVERYTHING and vacuum, you can’t even imagine what is hiding under those unseen places! 


  1. Do ALL The Laundry, We Mean ALL


This also counted as my “one thing I always put off” but I figured everyone could hear this one. Remove the furniture covers (if you have upholstery), all the rugs, and bathroom mats. The throw blankets, the curtains if you want, anything you want to wash, do it! 


  1. Add in Fun, New Spring Pieces 


Naturally, when things are being removed from the home, you may need to add some things to balance it out! Stop into Howard’s Budget Furniture to add a pop of spring color, a new rug, or any other fresh piece!